Minnesota treats DWI charges seriously, but the level of severity of such a charge is significantly increased for those who have already been convicted of the same charge. The previous conviction is considered an aggravating...
In order to stop vehicles in Minnesota, police officers must have a minimum of reasonable suspicion of criminal activity on the part of the occupants. While reasonable suspicion is less than the probable cause that...
Police was given a new weapon to combat drugged driving, a mouth-swab that can test if a driver recently used drugs. Drugged driving, like intoxicated driving, is illegal. However, police have struggled to define a...
One of the most common questions we get is when can I get my driving privileges back after a DWI? Individuals who are convicted of DWI crimes in Minnesota may qualify to enter the state’s...
A report released by the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility and the Governor’s Highway Safety Association found that the number of American fatalities in car crashes in which drugs were present or detected in car...
EXPUNGING RECORDS When DWI MN records are expunged, they are sealed by the court. A DWI Minnesota is considered a crime that creates a criminal record in the court system. A criminal record is hard...
In Minnesota, certain individuals can be held liable for illegally transporting an open container of alcohol inside motor vehicles that are on public streets or highways. People who are found to be in violation of...
In most Minnesota DWI cases, people are given breathalyzer tests to measure their blood alcohol concentrations, but the tests may not be reliable. Several courts in Minnesota have recently called into question the reliability of...
A recent campaign to crack down on impaired driving in Minnesota resulted in more than 2,400 drunk driving arrests in just seven days across the state. While that number is down from the 2,502 arrests...
Certain vehicular offenses may be eligible for expungement in Minnesota. Changes made to the law this past year make it easier for individuals to expunge criminal records. Doing so makes it easier for individuals to...

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