Workers Compensation

Serious injuries and even deaths can occur in almost any occupation, but in some career fields, the stakes are much higher than others. For these jobs, a single mistake can mean the difference between life...
As of December 1, 2016, employers are required to have an established “reasonable procedure” for injured workers to report any workplace injuries or illness accurately and in a timely manner. According to OSHA comments, post-accident...
The Minnesota Workers Compensation Court of Appeals (WCCA) was trampled for diagnosing the claimant instead of determining the facts. Now Minnesota’s Supreme Court has bound the WCCA to consider only information based on reasonably founded...
WORK-RELATED INJURIES Although workers compensation is available to individuals who are injured within the course of their job, many valid claims are denied on a regular basis. Some of the most common reasons for workplace...
DO I NEED AN ATTORNEY TO SETTLE MY MINNESOTA WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM? If you’ve been injured at work and your employer’s insurer contacts you about a potential settlement of your claim, your first reaction might...
Too many Americans are dependent on opioid painkillers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has gone so far as to declare opioid painkiller usage an epidemic. Not only are thousands of Americans dependent on these prescription drugs, but...
As the seasons change in the state of Minnesota, the weather changes too, sometimes rapidly and drastically in a matter of a day. Changing weather patterns can lead to destruction, injury, and even fatality. Unfortunately, we...
People work to make a living right? Unfortunately some career paths can lead to serious injury and even death thus raising the question of what are the most dangerous occupations in Minnesota? The most recent...
Workers’ compensation is a system of insurance that is mandated by law. The purpose of the law is to hold employers responsible for hazardous workplaces and protect employees from suffering financially after an injury. The law...
When an employee has been injured on the job in the state of Minnesota, our system of workers’ compensation is there to protect their financial interests. Over the years workers have certainly been exposed to fewer occupational...

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