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Shared Child Custody in Minnesota: An Overview of Time-Sharing Schedules

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Child Custody, Visitation & Parenting Time, Family Law

In Minnesota, custody & visitation cases are handled under the state’s best interests of the child standard (Sec. 518.17 MN Statutes). As Minnesota policy presumes that it is better for a child to have a positive, ongoing relationship with both parties, shared custody is common. 

For parents with shared custody, it is crucial that they are able to come to a workable and effective child time-sharing arrangement. In this article, our Mankato child custody lawyers provide a brief overview of the most important things to know about time-sharing schedules in Minnesota. 

Some Examples of Common Time-Sharing Schedules

Parents with shared child custody are encouraged to come to a parenting plan. A parenting plan should be comprehensive. Among other things, your parenting plan should include a detailed child time-sharing schedule. There are many different options for formulating a child-time sharing schedule. Here are three of the most common examples:

  • Alternating Weeks or Alternating Two Weeks: For parents interested in coming to a true 50/50 child time-sharing arrangement, an alternating week schedule or alternating two week block schedule might work best. 
  • A 2-3-2 TIme-Sharing Schedule: Another popular schedule for parents looking to come to a 50/50 time sharing agreement is the 2-3-2 schedule. One of the key benefits of the 2-3-2 arrangement is that, over the long run, it ensures a balance of weekdays and weekends for each parent. Of course, as quick changes are required, this type of arrangement generally only works well for Minnesota parents who live in close proximity.
  • Weekend or Every Other Weekend: Not all separated parents use 50/50 time-sharing schedules. In many circumstances, one parent assumes primary physical custody while both parents split shared legal custody. With this type of arrangement, the non-custodial parent may get the child on weekends or every other weekend. 

A Time-Sharing Schedule Should Always Be Customized to Meet a Family’s Needs

Every family has its own set of circumstances to deal with. There is no one right way to create a child time-sharing schedule as part of your parenting plan. All parents should work to find an arrangement that is truly effective for their families—child time-sharing schedules can absolutely be customized to meet your unique needs. 

The key is to come to an agreement that is detailed, comprehensive, and well-suited for your family. If you are navigating your way through a custody or visitation case, an experienced Mankato, MN child custody lawyer can help you come up with a parenting plan and child time-sharing schedule that works. 

Get Help From Our Mankato, MN Family Law Attorneys Today

At Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd., our Southern Minnesota family lawyers are passionate, solutions-driven advocates for parents and families. If you have any questions about parenting plans or time-sharing schedules, we can help. Call us now for a strictly confidential consultation. From our legal offices in Mankato and Rochester, we handle custody and visitation cases throughout Southern Minnesota, including in Albert Lea, Stewartville, Zumbrota, Waterville, Janesville, and Waseca.

