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Criminal Defense

DWI Breakdown with Attorney Chris Cain

After being arrested for DWI, at least two and up to four separate legal actions (lawsuits) are initiated against a person facing charges. These cases are complex, and if you’re facing these charges, you probably have a lot of questions. Criminal Charges: Everyone is...

Your Guide to Pre-Trial Motions in Criminal Cases in Minnesota

Were you arrested and charged with a crime in Southern Minnesota? It is imperative that you take immediate action to protect your rights and your future. Defending a criminal charge is complicated—much of the process occurs before any actual criminal trial. Indeed, pre-trial motions are a key part of any effective criminal defense strategy. Here, our Mankato criminal defense attorney…

Know Your Rights: Five Reasons You Should Not Speak to the Police If You Have Been Arrested

Few things are more stressful than an arrest. If you have been arrested, it is imperative that you know how to protect yourself, your rights, and your future. You should not give a statement to the police or answer any of their questions—unless you have an attorney by your side. Within this article, our Southern Minnesota criminal defense lawyers highlight…

What are the Potential Outcomes in a Felony Criminal Appeal in Minnesota?

Being arrested and charged with a felony offense is a serious, potentially even life-altering situation. Under Minnesota law (Sec. 609.02 MN Statutes), a felony is defined as “a crime for which a sentence of imprisonment for more than one year may be imposed.” Going through the criminal justice process is never easy—it is even more challenging if you get an…

