Kohlmeer | Hagen Law Office Chtd.

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Is Spousal Support Always Awarded After a Divorce in Minnesota?

After a marital separation in Minnesota, the financially disadvantaged partner may be eligible to receive ongoing payments from their former spouse. You may be wondering: Is alimony guaranteed after a divorce in Minnesota? The answer is ‘no’—spousal support will only be granted if certain basic criteria are satisfied. In this article, our Mankato alimony lawyers offer a guide to Minnesota’s…

Family & Divorce in Minnesota: An Overview of the Parenting Agreement Worksheet

Going through a divorce or separation is never easy, especially for parents of young children. To help facilitate the best possible environment for the child, Minnesota encourages parents to come to a parenting plan that outlines parental rights and responsibilities. The Parenting Agreement Worksheet (Minnesota Version) is used to help parents put together an effective plan. Here, our Mankato family…

What are the Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce?

Most divorcing couples want to end their marriage as amicably and efficiently as possible. While divorce is never easy, it does not have to turn into a nasty dispute or a fierce battle. Under Minnesota Law, a married couple has the option to seek an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce is one in which the parties to the case have…

Four Common Divorce Stalling Strategies

If you want to get through the divorce process as quickly and painlessly as possible, you are certainly not alone. Many people desire an efficient, low conflict divorce. Unfortunately, there are also some people who try to use every trick in the book to slow things down – employing stalling tactic after stalling tactic. As frustrating as this can be…

Four Divorce Tips for Business Owners

Getting divorced is never an easy thing to do—there are many challenging logistical and emotional issues that must be resolved. For business owners, there is another layer of complexity in the divorce process. You need to know how to effectively end your marriage while also protecting your personal interests and the future of your company. Here, our Mankato family law…

Dissipation of Assets and Divorce in Minnesota

For most divorcing couples, property division is one of the most challenging and contentious issues that they need to resolve. Under Minnesota state law (MN Statutes Sec. 518.58), marital property is divided in an ‘equitable’ manner—meaning it will be divided fairly, which is not always a 50-50 split. What happens if one spouse is spending wildly and recklessly prior to…

Divorce in Minnesota: What is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)?

For many couples in Minnesota, retirement plans and retirement savings are among their most valuable financial assets. Yet, during divorce, these benefits are easy to overlook. Worse yet, divorcing couples sometimes divide retirement assets in a way that subjects them to avoidable early withdrawal fees and other tax penalties. Fortunately, there is a solution available. Do not leave money on…

