Kohlmeer | Hagen Law Office Chtd.

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Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd. Legal Blog

Treat-or-Treat Trips in Mankato

On Halloween, neighbors throughout Mankato participate by welcoming children to their door and passing out candy. There is probably no other season where a child approaches so many of their neighbors’ doors in one night. Because of this there is a much greater risk of injury caused by someone else’s property. In Southern Minnesota, homeowners and business owners alike are…

Safe Spooking

October has arrived in Mankato, and along with it comes the most spooktastic time of the year: Halloween! The month of October brings kids the right to eat as much candy as they want, dress up as their favorite characters, and even ask strangers for candy. During any other time of the year parents warn their children against engaging in…

Trust After Trauma

After a physical injury we turn to our trusted physicians for assurances, treatment, and diagnoses. In a time of need patients rely on the care and tests applied by their medical providers. This reliance has only increased over the years as medicine becomes more specialized and treatment becomes more technical. Proper medical attention can result in prevention of a worsening…

Prenuptial Bliss

Traditionally the time leading up to a marriage is filled with flowers, intimacy, and quite a bit of sharing. Sharing the couch, remote, drinks, and meals is commonplace in the early stages of an intimate relationship. As the relationship develops the couple tends to reclaim their individual lifestyles and the intense flames of romance give way to a dull but…

Running from Justice

An arrest can prove to be an adrenaline-inducing, heart-pounding moment for anyone. “You are under arrest” is a phrase that will elicit a reaction from even the most stoic among us. During an arrest it is important to remain calm. If an officer believes that he has legal justification to arrest a defendant, he is going to arrest that defendant.…

What’s Hiding Behind the Hard Drive?

For better or for worse socializing has changed. Technology has made it such that people have hundreds of friends with whom they haven’t spoken with in years. All over the world people communicate with one another without ever opening their mouths. Not much longer than a decade ago text messaging, online instant messaging, and social media were brand new means of…

Sex Sells but the Crime Doesn’t Pay

As the old adage informs there is certainly an industry for sexuality. In Mankato it would appear that the industry is thriving based on recent police crackdowns. Public outrage about prostitution dates back to the days of yore but prostitution wasn’t regulated much until The Mann Act of 1910. Even with the United States Congress’ involvement the law was primarily…

Minnesota Medicinal Marijuana & Workers’ Comp

Too many Americans are dependent on opioid painkillers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has gone so far as to declare opioid painkiller usage an epidemic. Not only are thousands of Americans dependent on these prescription drugs, but thousands are overdosing on them annually. Since 1999 deaths from overdoses have tripled. Every year 16,000 American patients lose their battle with opioid…

I Got A DWI in Mankato; Now What?

It happens every day in Minnesota. Someone goes out after work, on the weekend, or for a Vikings game. They had a few drinks but not more than they’re used to. They had something to eat so they’re pretty sure that they’re just fine to get behind the wheel. Put yourself in the situation. You’re careful to check your surroundings,…

Driving Segways While Intoxicated

An interesting occurrence happens inside nearly every courtroom in the country. The judge, jury, plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys either speak the English language or have a translator interpret the language to them. The laws that are disputed inside these courtrooms are written by English speakers in that same language. There are generally even English definitions written into the statutes at…

