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Family Law

Family Law: What are the Steps to Take to Get a Restraining Order in Minnesota?

Domestic violence remains a serious public safety issue. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, approximately 36 percent of women and a significant percentage of men will be the victim of intimate partner violence during the course of their life. A restraining order is a source of legal protection for victims of family violence. This raises an important question: How…

Will a Child Be Called to Testify in a Custody in Minnesota?

Whether you are preparing to get divorced or are already separated, going through a custody and visitation dispute is never easy. Undoubtedly, you want to protect your children while ensuring that you are in the best position to assert your parental rights and do what is right for your family. You may be wondering: Do children testify in a custody…

Your Guide to Divorce and Residency Requirements in Minnesota

To be eligible to file for divorce in Minnesota, you and your spouse must satisfy the state’s residency requirement. Without establishing valid residency, a Minnesota court will not allow a couple’s divorce petition to move forward. At Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd., we want to ensure that you have knowledge you need to navigate the divorce process. In this article,…

How to Protect Your Business from a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be challenging, especially if you own and operate a business. You do not want a marital separation to harm your company. There are steps that you can take ahead of time and early on in the divorce process to put yourself and your business in the best position for the future. Here, our Mankato divorce…

Is it Possible to Disestablish Paternity in Minnesota?

Paternity is important. Without it, fathers lack rights and responsibilities. Most paternity disputes involve cases in which paternity has not been established. Either the mother or putative father is seeking paternity rights. However, there are also some cases that go in the opposite direction. You may be wondering: Can paternity be taken back after it is established in Minnesota? The…

Shared Child Custody in Minnesota: An Overview of Time-Sharing Schedules

In Minnesota, custody & visitation cases are handled under the state’s best interests of the child standard (Sec. 518.17 MN Statutes). As Minnesota policy presumes that it is better for a child to have a positive, ongoing relationship with both parties, shared custody is common.  For parents with shared custody, it is crucial that they are able to come to…

Is Spousal Support Always Awarded After a Divorce in Minnesota?

After a marital separation in Minnesota, the financially disadvantaged partner may be eligible to receive ongoing payments from their former spouse. You may be wondering: Is alimony guaranteed after a divorce in Minnesota? The answer is ‘no’—spousal support will only be granted if certain basic criteria are satisfied. In this article, our Mankato alimony lawyers offer a guide to Minnesota’s…

Family & Divorce in Minnesota: An Overview of the Parenting Agreement Worksheet

Going through a divorce or separation is never easy, especially for parents of young children. To help facilitate the best possible environment for the child, Minnesota encourages parents to come to a parenting plan that outlines parental rights and responsibilities. The Parenting Agreement Worksheet (Minnesota Version) is used to help parents put together an effective plan. Here, our Mankato family…

